Seeing Southern

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Finding Me

Man cannot discover new oceans unless
he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.

I keep reminding myself that I'm not on this journey alone.
     Although it's my giving into human frailty and having fought it for years, it's the one who stands beside me that offers me hope and assurance that all will be okay. A gift that I'm not quite sure I deserve, but I accept it wholeheartedly and with grace. Discovery #1.
    To most of you, a dental procedure is hardly anything to get worked up over. To me, it's life changing. It's dealing with fear - disgust - expense - pain - all in one foul swoop.
     For you, it might be a new job. A separation from family. A decision that is looming. A plan of action for the future. The search for the right one. A question of faith. We all have our finding me moment. Discover #2.
     Another observation these past six months - other than the complexity of eating and not complaining - is that you never really know what others are going through. Honestly, you would have never guessed I had issues unless I removed them and stuck them in your face! Treat others with kindness. Offer a hand. Smile. It's those unselfish, simple things that mean the most. Discovery #3.
     This may not change my world like I am hoping it will, but it will move me toward being a better woman. It's definitely a positive when you eliminate one excuse from the arsenal. Discovery #4.
     Nevertheless, Saturday is D-day. I wonder what discovery is next.