When my teeth starting falling out, I had two options. The first, to dole out thousands of dollars in the States to fix the problem; or, deal with it. Be resigned to the fact that I would be toothless at 60. I couldn’t bear it. After extensive research on dentistry all around the world, I landed on the site of Alberto Meza in San Jose, Costa Rica. In less than two months after a phone call, I traveled to Meza Dental Clinic in San Jose to find my smile. Follow along on the six-month journey.
And if you find yourself in a similar situation, I’ll be glad to share more information and a contact number.

Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism Seeing Southern Medical Tourism Seeing Southern

Dental Guarantee

I had done it again. I had broken one of my pearly whites and now it was time for the repair. No one but Dr. Alberto Meza would touch these teeth. We’re off to Cancun because of our dental guarantee.

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