61 Beats 60 Every. Single. Time.
Here's to 61 . . . and this blessed life . . .
No more 2020.
Len, Ty and Logan and Billy ❤️
My home is safe. My family is healthy.
Plans continue for retirement (whoa, that word) and I'm so excited. Downsizing will be really horrible, but I will close my eyes and toss. Now, if only I can get Len to close his eyes and toss!
I'm determined to be a better person, not an older person. If I can be as fierce as Helen Mirren and Viola Davis, score!
If 2020 (60) has taught me anything, it's the value of being true to yourself, your faith, your convictions. Don't let anyone dissuade you from believing as you do; be strong and shut out people and things that don't matter. Draw that line.
Kindness is more valuable that money and status.
I will be in the presence of 10 women participating in my American Woman Project. I am in awe. By the end of 2021, I will have a collection of women who will SHOW and LIVE amazing, inspirational lives.
Weddings resume. ❤️
Now, if travel will do the same, I'm a happy girl.
I can pivot my life and loves, and I don't have to feel guilty about it. Writing is taking a backseat to photography, and that's ok. Ditch the Southern guilt.
I can count my true friends on one hand.
Possum Hollow - please let me see a structure on you THIS YEAR.
If April works, I will be married to an Italian citizen. You know what they say about Italian men? ❤️
Let go.
October 3, 2020