Calendar Moments

June 3 is always circled on my calendar as a day to remember. Once upon a time, it was a day featuring a Starbucks run, a shopping spree at TJ Maxx , and years before, an over-the-top decorated cake that took center stage with the birthday girl.

Today, the day is quiet yet moments jump around in my brain as I remember what was, and yes, a little of what might have been.

I firmly believe God created memories for times exactly like these. When the physical is no longer tangible, and people and places must come to life in our mind. He did think of everything.

I know I’m not the only one to have a circled date on the calendar to remember a joy or a heartache, but today, I feel like I’m the only one. Again, God created pity-parties for old women because he knew that, every now and then, we deserve to be the center of our universe. And then, He says, “Snap out of it,” and life goes on. Until next June 3 when I miss my daughter so much that my body aches for her arms around me.

Cheers to 38.


No Room in the Inn


Mama’s Story