Return To Gold
Team Meza in Cancun
It’s been six years since I was first introduced to the possibility of visiting a dentist without fear being part of the equation. Even then, I had my doubts. Even after two years of research into the mysterious #medicaltourism concept, faith would be my biggest driver in order to get it done.
In 2016, I dove head first into a dental chair in San Jose, never looking back or even thinking too much about what was about to happen. From crowns, bone grafts, implants,, veneers, I spent one week in surgery, six months in healing, and then two weeks morphing into the me that was hiding behind the scars of neglect. I could eat again. I could smile again. I, basically, could do anything again.
It’s now December 2022, and I am returning to the chair, but this time for only a minor repair. Len has officially become a patient of Meza Dental, and he took a seat, too. Since our first jaunt to San Jose in 2016, the clinic has opened a new location in Cancun which become easier and more affordable to reach this time of year. Choice gives us options, plus allows us to wait until our schedule works with the doctor’s schedule. And as we finished our week in Cancun, we spoke with other patients who took the leap, too. Some from California. Another couple of Orlando. Getting medical care “outside of the box” is not as foreign as one might think. Not only is the care and professionalism top notch, but the price seals the deal. My initial work merited a 100K estimate , and in San Jose, with the help of a now paid-off medical loan, the price tag maxed out at 26K.
And this visit for the broken tooth, under warranty and no charge. *
Is there really an option? Do you have to think about it twice?
Today, the medical loan has been paid in full, and I can afford to pay for treatments out of pocket without making a choice between dental work or a house payment.
Dental insurance for baby boomers cost ungodly amounts which is why most people my age do not have dental coverage. And when teeth fall out or pain becomes too intense, we simply ignore and wait, making the problems so much worse.
No one can claim to have more fear or apprehension than me; I promise. I’m proud I moved past the fear and realized that what I would be given on the other side would be worth everything leading up to that moment.
Want more information? Ask me about my experience.
Meza Dental Care. It’s all you need to know.
Price and warranty based upon 2016 estimate.
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