Southern Diary
Open Your Eyes, Little One
Put the little moments in focus, and you’ll understand the bigger ones.
10 Commandments and a Tub
What do a bathtub and a mountain in North Carolina have in common? Everything.
A Letter Five Years, Eight Months Too Late
I found a letter today. It was from mama, and as sure as rain falls from the sky, so did the tears rise in my eyes.
Load ‘em up and Move ‘em out
Houses are just like people; someone must love them for them to thrive. Saying goodbye to Monroe’s Colquitt.
He’s Right There Inside My Phone
We all say it. “Let me get my phone. I have everything here.”
Done My Work
Writing appears to be a family thing. My connection to the words in Southern Diary
Mothers & Memories
Mother’s Day memories are ones that never fade.
Last Train to Clarkesville
You can go home again, but it’s not the same. Just ask this Magnolia tree I planted with my daddy.
Another Pluck, Another Birthday
Thanks for teaching me what I had no clue I was learning. Mama always knows.
At the Gettin’ Store
Everything could be found at the gettin’ store.
Letting Go
Letting go might be the best thing you could ever do for yourself. However, it does come with a price.
Hugging Necks
It’s all about the touch and the hugs. Never doubt.
Chill Grannie, You’re Cool
A reminder of the coolness of a being a grandma.