Seeing Southern

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Working Outline Completed . . . I Think

We were #twocoots before we were #seeingsouthern. For years, we shied away from the old reference, but it’s making a come back. Today it sits on my shelf over my desk to remind me of my audience. See SKY behind it? I keep that there to remind me of the article of which I am most proud. “Opening Doors” isn’t just an article but a process of digging, researching and never giving up on an outlet or editor. Time and effort is the ultimate dictator.

On the wall beside my desk is the largest Post-it known to man. This is where my Rock City barn book outline lives . . . or will live. In addition to the stack of books on the floor, the organizer that holds my written notes, and the online folder where everything resides, the one that is plastered to my wall is the one that keeps me in check every day.

Sidebar: I subscribed to Mountain Gazette earlier this year. This oversized print magazine keeps my faith alive that print is not dead. With the first issue, I received the “When In Doubt, Go Higher” sticker. I think I love it more than the magazine and it fits perfectly atop my 2024 project outline.

Yes, it’s blank but not for long. The outline has to be solid before it even makes it to the wall. The writing process is different for every writer, and I make no pretense that my way is the right way. However, it works for me. And a post-it on the wall excites me of what is to come.