Southern Diary
What Will Your Verse Be?
What will your verse be?
Here we go, 2024 🎀
Bring on 2024. Give us all you’ve got.
He’s Most Happy Here
There’s a smile that wraps around his face only when a suitcase and a map are involved. The joy of travel.
Home is Where The Heart Is
Our hearts have been here for decades. Now, everything else is there, too.
Holiday Express-ion
Looking back to 2014. How far we’ve come.
And Again, Thanks for Everything
We look back eight years, and we’re shocked that the things that made us happy then STILL are at the op of our list. In everything - as time passes - give thanks.
Learning to Listen to Me
Why is it so hard to listen to your gut? To follow where your mind and heart lead? Could it be because they are usually right? Learning to listen to me in Southern Diary.
Coming in at 64 Like a Hot Mess
I’m 64. Who would have thunk? I must embrace it for there’s no where to go but up.
My Very Own Magnolia Welcome Home Moment
Who needs a network in order to reveal a home masterpiece? We welcome you into our home. It’s been a long time coming.
Two To Go Till Home
It has taken over a year to get to this place. Finally, the home build is complete (with the exception of some punch list stuff) and we’re heading home.
The Gift of Ivet’s Vista
Ivet’s Vista was a gift. We had no idea how valuable a tiny piece of land could be.
One Week Plus Three Days
We’re coming down to our final week at our 2nd Airbnb rental. Now, we’re heading to another for three days, and then we’re going home.
In Other Words, “AEH”
Mama didn’t have to say anything. She just grabbed a knee.
Eight Months and a CO
It’s been eight months since we broke ground. Today, Len walked through the home for the first time with Saving Time Design. A rare moment when Len is speechless.
A Baby, Mama
When your baby becomes a mama, and the world opens its arms and you realize a love like never before
An Orange Slice of Cake
It’s a memory as sweet as the oranges. Dessert was not frequent at our house, but every now and then, mama’s Orange Slice Cake made an appearance.
Tractor Fixin’
How do you fix a GRAY Japanese Kubota tractor that has been abused, destroyed, ignored, hammered, wrecked, knocked around, bruised, shattered to the point that IF the right parts were found, would it actually work? Would that key turn and that starter roll IF all the pieces were in place? Would papa's tractor - now a sad pile of metal - be reborn to dig and haul and move?
Back to the Beginning in WV
It’s the oral tradition of passing down family information that guides us as we look for Len’s father’s family. What little we know takes us to the remote town of Littleton, WV.
My Old Pals
A writing journey is more than sitting down to a computer and hoping the words come. It’s about marketing. Ugh. So we go. Our first event for North Georgia Moonshine was The Old Pal in Athens.
People Like Me
For people like me who never want to forget where we came from, this blog home was born to help us remember. To document, photograph, and preserve lives from the past.