Southern Diary

He’s Most Happy Here
Seeing Southern Seeing Southern

He’s Most Happy Here

There’s a smile that wraps around his face only when a suitcase and a map are involved. The joy of travel.

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Tractor Fixin’
Family, Children Seeing Southern Family, Children Seeing Southern

Tractor Fixin’

How do you fix a GRAY Japanese Kubota tractor that has been abused, destroyed, ignored, hammered, wrecked, knocked around, bruised, shattered to the point that IF the right parts were found, would it actually work? Would that key turn and that starter roll IF all the pieces were in place? Would papa's tractor - now a sad pile of metal - be reborn to dig and haul and move?

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My Old Pals
Southern Diary, Book Seeing Southern Southern Diary, Book Seeing Southern

My Old Pals

A writing journey is more than sitting down to a computer and hoping the words come. It’s about marketing. Ugh. So we go. Our first event for North Georgia Moonshine was The Old Pal in Athens.

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